
Yarmouth Little League Fields

North Road, Yarmouth, Maine

We are located on North Road between Yarmouth Public Works and AMVETS. 

The best street address is 119 North Road. 

Kaulback Baseball Field is located closest to Public Works and the school buses, behind the playground. The best parking is in the playground lot although, if room, you can park at Public Works. Please DO NOT block town vehicles or school buses! 

DeLorme Baseball Field is down the road a bit and located closer to AMVETS. DeLorme has its own parking lot. AMVETS kindly allows us to use their lot as well, so long as they aren’t hosting a major event. 

Tobiason Softball Field is the middle field at the North Road complex. You can park at the DeLorme field lot, playground lot, or Public Works (please DO NOT block town vehicles or school buses). AMVETS kindly allows us to use their lot as well, so long as they aren’t hosting a major event.