Little League Season Update

follow link Yarmouth Little League would like to again express its appreciation for everyone in our community working to keep us safe and healthy. Despite our hope to only delay the start of baseball and softball, YLL has made the decision to cancel our traditional regular season outright. Please know that this does not mean we have shut the door to playing altogether. If the State and Town decide later this spring or summer it is safe, we will move quickly to try and organize play and be in touch with you about registration. Whether that takes the shape of a shortened season, summer baseball and softball, or something else will depend on timing and other factors. At this time, we do not have any update from Little League International on All-Stars/tournament play. We are focused on possibilities for our 12-year olds. What happens next? On May 1, we will trigger a full refund of your registration fee which may take a few days to process. There is no action needed on your part. Even before we made this decision many expressed a desire to have YLL keep their registration fee as a charitable contribution if the season were canceled. If you would like to donate your registration fee, Order Tramadol Cod please let us know before May 1 by email to . Your donation will go to field improvements, equipment/uniform purchases, and other initiatives to make the little league experience more fun and memorable for our players.

follow url We would like to also take this opportunity to acknowledge our loyal sponsors who have continued to support us without hesitation in this difficult time. We are proud to support them and urge you to do the same.
  • Bath Savings Institution
  • Big Apple Food Store / CN Brown
  • Brickyard Hollow
  • Casco Bay Ford
  • Clayton’s CafĂ©
  • Coastal Ace Hardware
  • Coutts
  • Day’s Crabmeat & Lobster
  • Dr. Michele Shems
  • Estabrooks Farm & Greenhouse
  • Great Diamond Partners
  • Kennebec Savings Bank
  • Leblanc & Young
  • LMR Insurance
  • Local Color Painting
  • Maguire Construction
  • Main Line Fence
  • Mann Law
  • McVety’s Hearth and Home
  • Preti Flaherty
  • Scott Dugas Trucking
  • The Law Offices of Joe Bornstein
  • Tom Moulton Paving & Construction
  • Vacationland Distributors
  • Vitalius Real Estate Group
  • Yarmouth Dental
  • Yarmouth Fire & Rescue Association
  • Yarmouth Lion’s Club (Scholarship)

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